
Leica LAS EZ

The Leica LAS EZ Imaging software is designed for Windows OS and allows for easy documentation and annotation.

The Leica LAS EZ software is designed to work seamlessly with the Leica EZ4 W/E stereomicroscope, Leica EC4, and digital cameras. It provides a user-friendly platform that is perfect for basic education, industrial, and life science applications. The software guides the user through camera settings and shading corrections to ensure high-quality imaging. It also enables easy annotations and basic measurements to be made on live and captured images.

Key Features

  • Interface workflow technology automates repetitive tasks for convenience and efficiency.

  • High-resolution imaging is used for visualizing, enhancing, measuring, and documenting images.

  • Freehand drawings, measurements, lines, and arrows with text annotate interesting parts.

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