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Digital Cameras

Microscope cameras can be installed on many different microscopes and microscopes with fast live image speeds, short reaction times, high pixel resolution, and clear contrast. 

We have a variety of suppliers of microscope cameras to choose from so you can find the right one for your application.

To maximize the potential of your microscopy system, it is crucial to carefully select the appropriate camera. Beyond technical specifications, factors such as sample type, contrast methods, and desired data should be taken into consideration. With numerous options to choose from, making this decision may seem overwhelming. Fortunately, we are available to provide guidance in finding the ideal camera for your experimental requirements.

Microscopy applications require microscope cameras capable of high frame rates for fast live images and user-friendly features.

Life science research requires imaging solutions for a wide range of applications.

Education cameras are practical, user-friendly, and produce clear images consistently.

Fluorescence images need highly sensitive cameras with a high signal-to-noise ratio and a large dynamic range.

Leica microscope cameras are highly impressive due to their ability to capture live images quickly, react instantly, offer exceptional resolution, and provide crystal-clear contrast.

Jenoptik cameras offer exceptional microscopy imaging with quick exposure times and high refresh rates for easy use with any microscope. The images produced are vibrant, noise-free, and true to colour.

Teledyne Lumenera cameras employ state-of-the-art sensor technology to deliver clear and vibrant colour images, and can seamlessly integrate with a variety of c-mount microscopes.

Moticam microscope cameras can be used with any microscope, and their WiFi capability allows for live streaming, capturing, measuring, annotating, and sharing of microscope images through the App.

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