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CylinderInspector is an all-optical, non-contact inspection and measurement tool designed to inspect cylinder walls. It enables perfect optical inspection of honed surfaces in cast iron and aluminium, as well as the detailed analysis of composition and distribution of silicon crystals in aluminium. With darkfield and brightfield multi wavelength LED illumination, CylinderInspector is perfectly suited to imaging every type of honed cylinder surface – particularly sputter and plasma-deposited surfaces.
CylinderInspector has already gained its heritage as the inspection instrument of choice among many international automobile and engine manufacturers.

Key Features
- High end optical system with perfectly matched illumination to ensure optimum ‘in-cylinder´ image quality
- Powerful yet easy to use CylinderInspector software suite for measurement and analysis of key parameters including automated hone angle measurement, and crystal distribution
- Available in eyepiece, video, or fully automated versions
- Non contact, self centering mechanisms for easy insertion and removal
- Full 360° rotational view with variable insertion adjustment
- Integrated brightfield and darkfield multi-wavelength LED for textural analysis
- Able to fit wide variety of cylinders ranging from 60mm to 125mm in diameter (dependend on model and configuration)
- Optical zoom and remote focus system allows the user to inspect the surface at different variable magnifications
- Perfect manual or automated optical inspection of internal cylinder bore walls, honing angle measurement and crystal distribution.
- Standardised inspection process between supplier and customer
- Enables precise and repeatable measurement ofpre-defined parameters – significantly enhancing control over cylinder production processes and ensuring far higher levels of product quality control.
- Totally customisable programming interface and report tool
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The CylinderInspector is an optical, non-destructive inspection and measuring tool for cylinder bore surfaces.
The CylinderInspector is an optical, non-destructive inspection and measuring tool for cylinder bore surfaces.